A community of worship leaders offering ongoing encouragement, support, and accountability in leadership development, personal growth, and cowriting.
Consistently grow as a songwriter and worship leader.
In a role that should be filled with the vision and joy of consistently honing and sharpening your gift of songwriting and leadership, lack of motivation and proper accountability may have you feeling stagnant. You may even be plateaued as a songwriter and creative.
Why I created Journey
I’ve led worship for over 25 years and understand the pain and frustration you are going through. Through thousands of hours of trial and error, I've experienced breakthrough in how to consistently songwrite and develop as a leader.
Continuing to dream, create, and develop your gifts is one of the best investments you could ever make into your church.

Journey is an exclusive membership that offers ongoing development as a leader, community with others, and monthly virtual co-writing.
Over the past 20 years I've led over 10,000 hours of worship.
I've been privileged to co-write with artists like Phil Wickham, Matt Maher, Upper Room, Meredith Andrews, Housefires, Maverick City, and others.
I know what it feels like to want to write or co-write and not know where to begin. I know the thoughts I have no idea how to write and should not be in the room with these people.
After two decades, a ton of prayer, thousands of hours of trial and error, and ultimately the kindness of Jesus, I have found the pathway forward in songwriting.
I have found the way to overcome the challenge of insecurity or not having anyone in my city to co-write with and still pursue my calling to write.
Through personal development, biblical principles, and a personal relationship with Jesus, I've been able to co-write multiple hours a week and hundreds of songs over the past 15 years.
Since launching this Journey program, dozens of songs have been written, produced, and released on Spotify by dozens of "normal people" just like you and me. You can listen to a few of them here.
I look forward to you joining the journey and will see you inside!
Make procrastination with songwriting a thing of the past.
Are you believing these lies about your worship leader growth and songwriting?
- What's the point of me songwriting? There are already so many amazing songs out there and my songs will probably never "make it."
First of all, "Making it" from the earthly perspective doesn't mean that heaven is smiling on it. Secondly, we are called to live out our calling whether it's going to bless the masses or the one. Third, songwriting not only will encourage your heart, but also has the power to transform your church and family.
- Growing as a creative and focusing on my personal development is not that important.
The fifth word of the Bible is CREATED. God is a creator and He has made all of us creative. Specifically, in your role as a musician, singer, and songwriter, you have a calling as a creative.
If songwriting is a HOBBY then it's just that, a hobby. But if you feel CALLED to songwrite, then you have a stewardship that I believe God deeply cares about. God calls us, but it's up to us to get equipped and do what is necessary to see that calling fulfilled.
- To be a good songwriter you have to be a full-time songwriter.
I'll show you how consistently writing will produce amazing fruit not only in your songs and church but also in your heart as a creative.
- Only super-established worship leaders at large churches can build and have successful teams.
I’ll show you how to grow and develop into the leader you want to be that will help you create the team you long to have.
- I'm just going to have to suffer through these problems since my team is all volunteers, right?
Teams full of volunteers can pull off great worship sets and eliminate mistakes and distractions.
Is songwriting a hobby, or is it a calling?
"This program absolutely changed the way I view myself as a worship leader and creative.
Be a part of a virtual monthly co-writing group and attend twice a month video connects with other worship leaders from around the world who are pursuing the same things.
Get the support you need from like-hearted and like-minded worship leaders as you pursue your calling, troubleshoot, and confide in others who want to succeed just as much as you do.
Get the help you need to follow through on consistently growing as a leader, and also in your desire to songwrite by being a part of monthly virtual co-writing sessions.
God calls you, but it's up to you to get equipped and do what is necessary to see your calling fulfilled.
"No longer is my songwriting and leadership development something that I procrastinate about, but instead something tangible that I can feel and see improving every single month."
Co-writing groups
Be a part of a monthly virtual co-writing group to write worship songs.
Co-writing training
Nine video sessions on how to co-write.
Leadership development
Read and discuss group assigned leadership books together.
Link arms and run with other worship leaders and songwriters of like mind and like heart.
Songwriting feedback
Recieve constructive feedback on how your songs can improve.
Get the help you need to follow through on your desire to songwrite, pursue your dreams, and grow as a leader.
Investing in YOURSELF is one of the best investments you can make into your church.
Continuing to dream, create, and develop as a worship leader is one of the best investments you could ever make into your church.
People are the church. Without your voice, heart, and creativity, the tens of thousands of dollars invested into your stage, cameras, lights, and sound equipment are empty. But a worship leader whose heart is alive in Jesus and is regularly challenged to grow and develop, is worth its weight in gold.
A happy worship leader is a challenged worship leader.
When the challenge or accountability to continue developing in skill, spirit, and leadership is gone, you will likely see plateauing begin.
If a worship leader is plateaued for too long, they will likely start going in a downward direction and probably take most, if not all, of the team with them.
Your worship team is much more likely to be challenged to grow if you yourself are constantly being challenged to grow. You need to be regularly challenged and poured into by like-minded worship leaders who are on the journey with you.
Leading worship at church is not a simple task anymore. The complexity of leading worship for the in-person service and a LIVE Facebook broadcast has raised the bar of investment that’s required for you and your team.
"I have met people in JOURNEY who have become some of my close friends."
"The biggest surprise has been the community and how well I’ve connected with other worship leader's around the world. We end up not just meeting a few times a month during our normal writing and leadership meetings, but also in everyday life."
"It can be lonely as a leader. Even if you have the support of the pastors, executive pastors, or elders, so many people don't understand what goes into leading a worship team. Journey has allowed me to see that I am not alone."
"I've found such amazing community on the writing sessions and group calls."
"I’ve found my niche in the cowriting group where we end up praying for one another and talking about things that don't even have to do with writing."
"I was going through a very hard trial that I shared during our communal meeting and was overwhelmed at how many from the collective reached out afterwards."